Blog 3 - Working With Stan's Cafe

Performance Company Blog Week 3

Tuesday 20th February

Hello and welcome back to Week 3 of working with Stan’s Café! This week will be a takeover from Lauren to Sammy! I am part of the media team within Performance Company, and will be jointly blogging and vlogging the weeks that lead up to our final performance of third year – which also means our final ever performance for De Montfort University!

Week three started off with the usual group talk about our plans for the day and how we could progress. This week involved a lot of progression in our groups to find improvement in our small tasks that had been previously set the week before. Some of the previous tasks included finding cultural references which relate to live vs. mediated/surveillance, listing things that were special about live performances and listening to and reporting on what audio descriptions for film and theatre are.

After spending time working on ideas, we all watched and fed feedback to our peers. Lots of themes were presented through these initial ideas, and it has been interesting to watch how these themes have been explored through performance.

Some of the concepts and themes explored included the idea of advertisements and contracts, and how when being presented with the terms and conditions on social media we as a society will often skip over them. Typically, in social media, these terms and conditions won’t affect us that much but when you translate these actions to real life contracts, and some people do, it can create a huge issue. Some other themes that were explored included the relationships between CCTV and being watched in a Big Brother society, how miss communication can largely affect relationships and how much is one person willing to share their life and everyday challenges to the internet.

Next week will not just be one single blog but 5 as we are going to be working intensively with Stan’s Café! I will be blogging these days and hope you will continue to follow us.

Please check us out on our social medias to find more updates:

Snapchat: dmu3rdyrblog

Twitter: @I2eye18


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